Interface DAMLRestriction

All Superinterfaces:
DAMLClass, DAMLClassExpression, DAMLCommon, RDFNode, Resource
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DAMLRestriction
extends DAMLClass, DAMLClassExpression

Java representation of a DAML Restriction.

CVS info: $Id:,v 1.1 2001/09/24 17:02:39 ijd Exp $
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs (email)

Method Summary
 IntLiteralAccessor prop_cardinality()
          Property accessor for the 'cardinality' property of a restriction.
 IntLiteralAccessor prop_cardinalityQ()
          Property accessor for the 'cardinalityQ' property of a restriction.
 PropertyAccessor prop_hasClass()
          Property accessor for the 'hasClass' property of a restriction.
 PropertyAccessor prop_hasClassQ()
          Property accessor for the 'hasClassQ' property of a restriction.
 PropertyAccessor prop_hasValue()
          Property accessor for the 'hasValue' property of a restriction.
 IntLiteralAccessor prop_maxCardinality()
          Property accessor for the 'maxCardinality' property of a restriction.
 IntLiteralAccessor prop_maxCardinalityQ()
          Property accessor for the 'maxCardinalityQ' property of a restriction.
 IntLiteralAccessor prop_minCardinality()
          Property accessor for the 'minCardinality' property of a restriction.
 IntLiteralAccessor prop_minCardinalityQ()
          Property accessor for the 'minCardinalityQ' property of a restriction.
 PropertyAccessor prop_onProperty()
          Property accessor for the 'onProperty' property of a restriction.
 PropertyAccessor prop_toClass()
          Property accessor for the 'toClass' property of a restriction.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLClass
getDefinedProperties, getDefinedProperties, getEquivalentValues, getInstances, getSameClasses, getSubClasses, getSubClasses, getSuperClasses, getSuperClasses, hasSubClass, hasSuperClass, prop_complementOf, prop_disjointUnionOf, prop_disjointWith, prop_intersectionOf, prop_oneOf, prop_sameClassAs, prop_subClassOf, prop_unionOf
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLCommon
getAll, getDAMLModel, getEquivalenceSet, getNumPropertyValues, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getRDFTypes, getVocabulary, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, prop_comment, prop_equivalentTo, prop_label, prop_type, remove, removeAll, removeProperty, replaceProperty, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setRDFType
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model.Resource
abort, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, begin, commit, equals, getId, getLocalName, getModel, getNameSpace, getProperty, getURI, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, isAnon, listProperties, listProperties, removeProperties, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLClassExpression
isComplement, isDisjointUnion, isEnumeration, isIntersection, isNamedClass, isRestriction, isUnion

Method Detail


public PropertyAccessor prop_onProperty()
Property accessor for the 'onProperty' property of a restriction. This denotes the property to which the restriction applies, and there is normally exactly one of them.
Property accessor for 'onProperty'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_toClass()
Property accessor for the 'toClass' property of a restriction. This denotes the class for which the restricted property always maps to instances that belong to the class given by this property.
Property accessor for 'toClass'


public PropertyAccessor prop_hasValue()
Property accessor for the 'hasValue' property of a restriction. This denotes the class for which the restricted property sometimes maps to the instance given here.
Property accessor for 'hasValue'


public PropertyAccessor prop_hasClass()
Property accessor for the 'hasClass' property of a restriction. This denotes the class for which the restricted property sometimes maps to the instances that belong to the class given here.
Property accessor for 'hasClass'


public PropertyAccessor prop_hasClassQ()
Property accessor for the 'hasClassQ' property of a restriction. This denotes the class for which the restricted property sometimes maps to the instances that belong to the class given here, and which obey given cardinality constraints.
Property accessor for 'hasClassQ'


public IntLiteralAccessor prop_cardinality()
Property accessor for the 'cardinality' property of a restriction. This denotes the combination of minCardinality and maxCardinality to the same value.
Property accessor for 'cardinality'


public IntLiteralAccessor prop_minCardinality()
Property accessor for the 'minCardinality' property of a restriction. This denotes the class of instances that have at least N distict values for the property.
Property accessor for 'minCardinality'


public IntLiteralAccessor prop_maxCardinality()
Property accessor for the 'maxCardinality' property of a restriction. This denotes the class of instances that have at most N distict values for the property.
Property accessor for 'maxCardinality'


public IntLiteralAccessor prop_cardinalityQ()
Property accessor for the 'cardinalityQ' property of a restriction. This denotes the combination of minCardinalityQ and maxCardinalityQ to the same value.
Property accessor for 'cardinalityQ'


public IntLiteralAccessor prop_minCardinalityQ()
Property accessor for the 'minCardinalityQ' property of a restriction. This denotes the class of instances that have at least N distict values of the class denoted by 'hasClassQ' for the property.
Property accessor for 'minCardinalityQ'


public IntLiteralAccessor prop_maxCardinalityQ()
Property accessor for the 'maxCardinalityQ' property of a restriction. This denotes the class of instances that have at most N distict values of the class denoted by 'hasClassQ' for the property.
Property accessor for 'maxCardinalityQ'

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