Class DAMLDatatypePropertyImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
DAMLCommon, DAMLDatatypeProperty, DAMLProperty, Property, RDFNode, Resource, ResourceI

public class DAMLDatatypePropertyImpl
extends DAMLPropertyImpl
implements DAMLDatatypeProperty

Java encapsulation of a datatype property in a DAML ontology. A datatype property is a partition of the class of all properties, whose values are drawn from concrete domains represented by XML schema expressions.

CVS info: $Id:,v 1.1 2001/09/24 17:02:41 ijd Exp $
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs (email)

Constructor Summary
DAMLDatatypePropertyImpl(java.lang.String uri, DAMLModel store, DAMLVocabulary vocabulary)
          Constructor, takes the URI for this property, and the underlying model it will be attached to.
DAMLDatatypePropertyImpl(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String name, DAMLModel store, DAMLVocabulary vocabulary)
          Constructor, takes the name and namespace for this property, and the underlying model it will be attached to.
Method Summary
 LiteralAccessor prop_datatypeRange()
          Literal accessor for the 'range' property of a datatype property.
Methods inherited from class com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.common.DAMLPropertyImpl
getDomainClasses, getEquivalentValues, getOrdinal, getRangeClasses, getSameProperties, getSubProperties, getSubProperties, getSuperProperties, getSuperProperties, isUnique, port, prop_domain, prop_range, prop_samePropertyAs, prop_subPropertyOf, setIsUnique, toString
Methods inherited from class com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.common.DAMLCommonImpl
getAll, getDAMLModel, getEquivalenceSet, getNumPropertyValues, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getRDFTypes, getSelfIterator, getVocabulary, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, prop_comment, prop_equivalentTo, prop_label, prop_type, remove, removeAll, removeProperty, replaceProperty, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setRDFType
Methods inherited from class com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.common.ResourceImpl
abort, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, begin, commit, equals, getEmbeddedResource, getId, getLocalName, getModel, getNameSpace, getProperty, getURI, hashCode, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, isAnon, listProperties, listProperties, removeProperties
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLProperty
getDomainClasses, getEquivalentValues, getRangeClasses, getSameProperties, getSubProperties, getSubProperties, getSuperProperties, getSuperProperties, isUnique, prop_domain, prop_range, prop_samePropertyAs, prop_subPropertyOf, setIsUnique
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLCommon
getAll, getDAMLModel, getEquivalenceSet, getNumPropertyValues, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getRDFTypes, getVocabulary, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, prop_comment, prop_equivalentTo, prop_label, prop_type, remove, removeAll, removeProperty, replaceProperty, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setRDFType
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model.Resource
abort, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, begin, commit, equals, getId, getLocalName, getModel, getNameSpace, getProperty, getURI, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, isAnon, listProperties, listProperties, removeProperties, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model.Property
getLocalName, getNameSpace, getOrdinal

Constructor Detail


public DAMLDatatypePropertyImpl(java.lang.String namespace,
                                java.lang.String name,
                                DAMLModel store,
                                DAMLVocabulary vocabulary)
Constructor, takes the name and namespace for this property, and the underlying model it will be attached to.
namespace - The namespace the property inhabits, or null
name - The name of the property
store - The RDF store that contains the RDF statements defining the properties of the property
vocabulary - Reference to the DAML vocabulary used by this property.


public DAMLDatatypePropertyImpl(java.lang.String uri,
                                DAMLModel store,
                                DAMLVocabulary vocabulary)
Constructor, takes the URI for this property, and the underlying model it will be attached to.
uri - The URI of the property
store - The RDF store that contains the RDF statements defining the properties of the property
vocabulary - Reference to the DAML vocabulary used by this property.
Method Detail


public LiteralAccessor prop_datatypeRange()
Literal accessor for the 'range' property of a datatype property. This denotes the XSchema datatype expression that denotes the concrete type that is the range of the property. Note that Java does not allow us to override DAMLProperty.prop_range() with a different return type, so we have to introduce a new name for the range of a datatype property, that is an alias for prop_range.
Specified by:
prop_datatypeRange in interface DAMLDatatypeProperty
Literal accessor for 'range'.

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