Interface DAMLVocabulary

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DAMLVocabulary

A marker interface for a DAML vocabulary, that will, in future, migrate towards providing support for versioning DAML and RDF namespaces, and, specifically, supporting multiple DAML vocabularies for DAML terms.

CVS info: $Id:,v 1.1 2001/09/24 17:02:37 ijd Exp $
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs (email)

Field Summary
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_DAML_2000_12_URI
          DAML namespace URI for the December 2000 release
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_DAML_2001_03_URI
          DAML namespace URI for the March 2001 release
Method Summary
 Property cardinality()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML cardinality property on Restrictions
 Property cardinalityQ()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML cardinalityQ property on Restrictions
 DAMLClass Class()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Class class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
 Property comment()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:comment in daml namespace
 Property complementOf()
          Answer the RDF Property for the complementOf property on class expressions
 DAMLClass Datatype()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Datatype class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
 DAMLClass DatatypeProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML DatatypeProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
 Property differentIndividualFrom()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML differentIndvidualFrom property on instances
 DAMLClass Disjoint()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Disjoint class.
 Property disjointUnionOf()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML disjointUnionOf property on Classes
 Property disjointWith()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML disjointWith property on Classes
 Property domain()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:domain in daml namespace
 Property equivalentTo()
          Answer the RDF Property for the equivalentTo property on DAML values
 Property first()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML first property on Lists
 Property hasClass()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML hasClass property on Restrictions
 Property hasClassQ()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML hasClassQ property on Restrictions
 Property hasValue()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML hasValue property on Restrictions
 Property imports()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML imports property on Ontologies
 Property intersectionOf()
          Answer the RDF Property for the intersectionOf property on class expressions
 Property inverseOf()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML inverseOf property on Properties
 Property isDefinedBy()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:isDefinedBy in daml namespace
 Property item()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML item property on Lists
 Property label()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:label in daml namespace
 DAMLClass List()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML List class.
 DAMLClass Literal()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:Literal in the daml namespace.
 Property maxCardinality()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML maxCardinality property on Restrictions
 Property maxCardinalityQ()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML maxCardinalityQ property on Restrictions
 Property minCardinality()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML minCardinality property on Restrictions
 Property minCardinalityQ()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML minCardinalityQ property on Restrictions
          Answer the DAML namespace resource for the current release
 DAMLList nil()
          Answer the RDF resource for the nil (empty) list.
 DAMLClass Nothing()
          Answer the RDF resource for the bottom type (i.e.
 DAMLClass ObjectProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML ObjectProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
 Property oneOf()
          Answer the RDF Property for the oneOf property on DAML class expressions
 Property onProperty()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML onProperty property on Restrictions
 DAMLClass Ontology()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Ontology class
 DAMLClass Property()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:Property in the daml namespace.
 Property range()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:range in daml namespace
 Property rest()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML rest property on Lists
 DAMLClass Restriction()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Restriction class
 Property sameClassAs()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML sameClassAs property on Classes
 Property sameIndividualAs()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML sameIndividualAs property on instances
 Property samePropertyAs()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML samePropertyAs property on Properties
 Property seeAlso()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:seeAlso in daml namespace
 Property subClassOf()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:subClassOf in daml namespace
 Property subPropertyOf()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:subPropertyOf in daml namespace
 DAMLClass Thing()
          Answer the RDF resource for the top type (i.e.
 Property toClass()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML toClass property on Restrictions
 DAMLClass TransitiveProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML TransitiveProperty class
 Property type()
          Answer the Alias for rdf:type in daml namespace
 DAMLClass UnambiguousProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML UnambiguousProperty class
 Property unionOf()
          Answer the RDF Property for the unionOf property on class expressions
 DAMLClass UniqueProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML UniqueProperty class
 Property value()
          Answer the Alias for rdf:value in daml namespace
 Property versionInfo()
          Answer the RDF Property for the DAML versionInfo property

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_DAML_2001_03_URI
DAML namespace URI for the March 2001 release


public static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_DAML_2000_12_URI
DAML namespace URI for the December 2000 release
Method Detail


public Resource NAMESPACE_DAML()
Answer the DAML namespace resource for the current release


public DAMLClass List()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML List class.


public DAMLClass UniqueProperty()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML UniqueProperty class


public DAMLClass TransitiveProperty()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML TransitiveProperty class


public DAMLClass UnambiguousProperty()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML UnambiguousProperty class


public DAMLClass Restriction()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML Restriction class


public DAMLClass Ontology()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML Ontology class


public DAMLList nil()
Answer the RDF resource for the nil (empty) list.


public DAMLClass Thing()
Answer the RDF resource for the top type (i.e. the super-type of all types).


public DAMLClass Nothing()
Answer the RDF resource for the bottom type (i.e. the super-type of no types).


public DAMLClass Literal()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:Literal in the daml namespace.


public DAMLClass Class()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML Class class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).


public DAMLClass Datatype()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML Datatype class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).


public DAMLClass DatatypeProperty()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML DatatypeProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).


public DAMLClass ObjectProperty()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML ObjectProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).


public DAMLClass Disjoint()
Answer the RDF resource for DAML Disjoint class.


public DAMLClass Property()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:Property in the daml namespace.


public Property versionInfo()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML versionInfo property


public Property imports()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML imports property on Ontologies


public Property disjointWith()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML disjointWith property on Classes


public Property disjointUnionOf()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML disjointUnionOf property on Classes


public Property sameClassAs()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML sameClassAs property on Classes


public Property samePropertyAs()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML samePropertyAs property on Properties


public Property oneOf()
Answer the RDF Property for the oneOf property on DAML class expressions


public Property intersectionOf()
Answer the RDF Property for the intersectionOf property on class expressions


public Property unionOf()
Answer the RDF Property for the unionOf property on class expressions


public Property complementOf()
Answer the RDF Property for the complementOf property on class expressions


public Property equivalentTo()
Answer the RDF Property for the equivalentTo property on DAML values


public Property onProperty()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML onProperty property on Restrictions


public Property toClass()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML toClass property on Restrictions


public Property hasValue()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML hasValue property on Restrictions


public Property hasClass()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML hasClass property on Restrictions


public Property hasClassQ()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML hasClassQ property on Restrictions


public Property cardinality()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML cardinality property on Restrictions


public Property minCardinality()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML minCardinality property on Restrictions


public Property maxCardinality()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML maxCardinality property on Restrictions


public Property cardinalityQ()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML cardinalityQ property on Restrictions


public Property minCardinalityQ()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML minCardinalityQ property on Restrictions


public Property maxCardinalityQ()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML maxCardinalityQ property on Restrictions


public Property inverseOf()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML inverseOf property on Properties


public Property first()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML first property on Lists


public Property rest()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML rest property on Lists


public Property item()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML item property on Lists


public Property subPropertyOf()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:subPropertyOf in daml namespace


public Property type()
Answer the Alias for rdf:type in daml namespace


public Property value()
Answer the Alias for rdf:value in daml namespace


public Property subClassOf()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:subClassOf in daml namespace


public Property domain()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:domain in daml namespace


public Property range()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:range in daml namespace


public Property label()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:label in daml namespace


public Property comment()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:comment in daml namespace


public Property seeAlso()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:seeAlso in daml namespace


public Property isDefinedBy()
Answer the Alias for rdfs:isDefinedBy in daml namespace


public Property sameIndividualAs()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML sameIndividualAs property on instances


public Property differentIndividualFrom()
Answer the RDF Property for the DAML differentIndvidualFrom property on instances

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