$ A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


INCLINATION - Static variable in class mavis.MeasurementValue
Calculates the inclination from the component averages in geographic coordinates.
incSign - Variable in class mavis.gui.StereoPlot
Contains information if inclination was positive or negative positive = true, negative = false; 0 is positive
incSignInt - Variable in class mavis.gui.StereoPlot
incValueFoo - Variable in class mavis.gui.StereoPlot
initialize() - Method in class mavis.gui.MainMenuBar
Initializes the private action fields of the class.
initSaveParameters() - Method in class mavis.gui.ProjectInformationPanel
Schedules the running of saveParameters().
initSaveProperties() - Method in class mavis.gui.ProjectInformationPanel
Schedules the running of saveProperties().
intensity - Variable in class mavis.gui.GraphPrintPanel
intensityLabel - Variable in class mavis.gui.GraphPrintPanel
IntensityPlot - Class in mavis.gui
Implements intensity graph plot.
IntensityPlot() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.IntensityPlot
iPlot - Variable in class mavis.gui.GraphPrintPanel
isAbortEnabled() - Method in class mavis.Project
Tells whether it is possible to abort the measurement.
isAutoStepEnabled() - Method in class mavis.Project
Tells whether it is allowed to do an auto step measurement.
isCalibration - Variable in class mavis.gui.ProjectExplorerTable
Tells whether this table is calibration project table or all-project table.
isCellEditable(int) - Method in enum mavis.gui.ComponentColumn
Returns true if the cell can be edited.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mavis.gui.DifferenceVectorTableModel
Returns false.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mavis.gui.MagneticComponentTableModel
Returns true if the cell can be edited.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequenceTableModel
Returns false.
isCellEditable(int, Project) - Method in enum mavis.gui.SequenceColumn
Tells whether the specified row in this column is editable.
isClosed() - Method in class mavis.Project
Returns true if this project has been closed with closeProject().
isColumnVisible(SequenceColumn) - Method in class mavis.gui.DifferenceVectorTableModel
Tells if specified column is currently visible.
isColumnVisible(SequenceColumn) - Method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequenceTableModel
Tells if specified column is currently visible.
isDone() - Method in class mavis.MeasurementStep
Called to see if this step has been marked as done i.e. completed.
isDone() - Method in enum mavis.MeasurementStep.State
When the step's state is "done", no changes to the measurements are any more allowed.
isExecOnlyLast() - Method in class mavis.util.LastExecutor
isHolderCalibration() - Method in class mavis.Project
Returns true if this project file has been set as the Sample Holder Calibration project in the program settings.
isModified() - Method in class mavis.Project
Tells whether the project has been modified and it needs to be saved.
isSaved() - Method in class mavis.Session
Tells whether the components in the session have been saved.
isSequenceEditEnabled() - Method in class mavis.Project
Tells whether it is allowed to edit the sequence.
isSingleStepEnabled() - Method in class mavis.Project
Tells whether it is allowed to do a single step measurement.
iterator() - Method in class mavis.MeasurementStep
Returns an iterator for iterating through this step's measurement results.

$ A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z