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MagneticComponentPanel - Class in mavis.gui
Shows the magnetic components of a project and provides controls for removing these components.
MagneticComponentPanel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MagneticComponentPanel
Creates default MagneticComponentPanel.
magneticComponentPanel - Variable in class mavis.gui.MainViewPanel
MagneticComponents - Class in mavis
This class is used to store the steps of magnetic components and the antipole values and to retrieve these steps and values.
MagneticComponents(Session) - Constructor for class mavis.MagneticComponents
MagneticComponentTableModel - Class in mavis.gui
This is basically an intermediate wrapper for the data in the actual JTable table which is found in the MagneticComponentPanel.
MagneticComponentTableModel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MagneticComponentTableModel
Creates a new MeasurementSequenceTableModel with no active project.
MAGNETIZATION - Static variable in class mavis.MeasurementValue
Calculates the magnetic intensity (or remanence) from the moment and the sample's volume or mass (depending on the selected normalization).
magTable - Variable in class mavis.gui.MagneticComponentPanel
magTableModel - Variable in class mavis.gui.MagneticComponentPanel
main - Variable in class mavis.gui.MainMenuBar
main(String[]) - Static method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementGraphsPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class mavis.Mavis
Starts the program with the provided command line parameters.
main(String[]) - Static method in class mavis.util.LastExecutor
MainMenuBar - Class in mavis.gui
Creates Menu items for Menubar and makes action listeners for them.
MainMenuBar(MainViewPanel) - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MainMenuBar
Creates all components and makes menu and sets ActionListeners.
MainStatusBar - Class in mavis.gui
Creates its components and listens project events on status change and calculates estimated time for measurement
MainStatusBar() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MainStatusBar
Creates all components with default settings and sets Listener for MeasurementEvent.
MainViewPanel - Class in mavis.gui
Creates the main view panels (split panels) and Project components.
MainViewPanel(Project) - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MainViewPanel
Loads default view and creates all components and panels.
MainViewPanel.NewProjectFileChooser - Class in mavis.gui
Customized JFileChooser for the use of getNewProjectAction().
MainViewPanel.NewProjectFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MainViewPanel.NewProjectFileChooser
mass - Variable in class mavis.gui.DataPrintPanel
mass - Variable in class mavis.gui.PrintPanel
mass - Variable in class mavis.MeasurementStep
The mass of this step's sample, or a negative number to use the project's default mass.
mass - Variable in class mavis.Project
Mass of the sample, or a negative value if no mass is defined.
massField - Variable in class mavis.gui.ProjectInformationPanel
mavis - package mavis
Mavis - Class in mavis
Starts the program.
Mavis(Project) - Constructor for class mavis.Mavis
Starts the user interface of the program.
mavis.gui - package mavis.gui
mavis.util - package mavis.util
MEASUREMENT_TYPE_AUTO_VALUE - Static variable in class mavis.Project
MEASUREMENT_TYPE_MANUAL_VALUE - Static variable in class mavis.Project
MEASUREMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class mavis.Project
MeasurementDetailsPanel - Class in mavis.gui
Shows the details of the active measurement step.
MeasurementDetailsPanel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementDetailsPanel
MeasurementDetailsPanel.DetailsTableModel - Class in mavis.gui
Table model for the details table.
MeasurementDetailsPanel.DetailsTableModel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementDetailsPanel.DetailsTableModel
MeasurementDetailsPanel.ErrorsTableModel - Class in mavis.gui
Table model for the error table.
MeasurementDetailsPanel.ErrorsTableModel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementDetailsPanel.ErrorsTableModel
MeasurementEvent - Class in mavis
MeasurementEvent is used to notify listeners about the stages of an ongoing measurement.
MeasurementEvent(Project, MeasurementStep, MeasurementEvent.Type) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementEvent
Creates a new measurement event.
MeasurementEvent.Type - Enum in mavis
The type of a measurement event.
MeasurementEvent.Type() - Constructor for enum mavis.MeasurementEvent.Type
measurementGraphsPanel - Variable in class mavis.gui.MainViewPanel
MeasurementGraphsPanel - Class in mavis.gui
MeasurementGraphsPanel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementGraphsPanel
Creates new panel for plots
MeasurementListener - Interface in mavis
Defines a listener for measurement events.
measurementProgress - Variable in class mavis.gui.MainStatusBar
progress of sequence/measurement as per cent of whole process
MeasurementResult - Class in mavis
A set of X, Y and Z values measured by the magnetometer.
MeasurementResult(MeasurementResult.Type, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementResult
Creates a new measurement result.
MeasurementResult(Element) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementResult
Creates a measurement result from the specified element.
MeasurementResult.Type - Enum in mavis
MeasurementResult.Type() - Constructor for enum mavis.MeasurementResult.Type
MeasurementSequence - Class in mavis
A list of measurement steps.
MeasurementSequence() - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementSequence
Creates an empty sequence with no name.
MeasurementSequence(String) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementSequence
Creates an empty sequence with the specified name.
MeasurementSequence(Element) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementSequence
Creates a sequence from the specified element.
MeasurementSequence(Element, Project) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementSequence
Creates a sequence from the specified element for a project.
measurementSequencePanel - Variable in class mavis.gui.MainViewPanel
MeasurementSequencePanel - Class in mavis.gui
Displays the measurement step data of a project.
MeasurementSequencePanel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequencePanel
Creates default MeasurementSequencePanel.
MeasurementSequencePanel.HeaderPopupMenu - Class in mavis.gui
Popup menu for selecting which columns to show in the sequence table.
MeasurementSequencePanel.HeaderPopupMenu() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequencePanel.HeaderPopupMenu
MeasurementSequencePanel.MyFormatterFactory - Class in mavis.gui
Sets the format for the JFormattedTextFields of this panel.
MeasurementSequencePanel.MyFormatterFactory() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequencePanel.MyFormatterFactory
MeasurementSequenceTableModel - Class in mavis.gui
Handles the showing and editing of a project's measurement sequence.
MeasurementSequenceTableModel() - Constructor for class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequenceTableModel
Creates a new MeasurementSequenceTableModel with no active project.
measurementStatus - Variable in class mavis.gui.MainStatusBar
text comment of current status(moving,measurement,demagnetization)
MeasurementStep - Class in mavis
A single step in a measurement sequence.
MeasurementStep() - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementStep
Creates a blank measurement step.
MeasurementStep(Project) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementStep
Creates a blank measurement step for a project.
MeasurementStep(Element) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementStep
Creates a measurement step from the specified element.
MeasurementStep(Element, Project) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementStep
Creates a measurement step from the specified element for a project.
MeasurementStep.State - Enum in mavis
The state of a measurement step.
MeasurementStep.State(boolean) - Constructor for enum mavis.MeasurementStep.State
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.DifferenceVectorTableModel
Refreshes the table to reflect the changes in the measurement steps.
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementDetailsPanel
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementGraphsPanel
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequencePanel
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.MeasurementSequenceTableModel
Refreshes the table to reflect the changes in the measurement steps.
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ProjectComponent
Does nothing; subclasses override this if they want to listen MeasurementEvents.
measurementUpdated(MeasurementEvent) - Method in interface mavis.MeasurementListener
Will be invoked whenever a measurement event happens.
MeasurementValue<T> - Class in mavis
Algorithms for calculating values from the measurements.
MeasurementValue(String, String, String) - Constructor for class mavis.MeasurementValue
Creates a new measurement value.
measuringProjectFile - Variable in class mavis.gui.ProjectExplorerTable.ProjectExplorerTableModel
The project's file who currently has a measurement running, or null if no measurements are active
measuringWrapper - Variable in class mavis.gui.ProjectExplorerTable.ProjectExplorerTableModel
measuringWrapper - Static variable in enum mavis.gui.SequenceColumn
measuringWrapper - Static variable in class mavis.Settings
model - Variable in class mavis.gui.DataPrintPanel.PrintComponentTableModel
model - Variable in class mavis.gui.DataPrintPanel.PrintDifferenceTableModel
model - Variable in class mavis.gui.DataPrintPanel.PrintSequenceTableModel
model - Variable in class mavis.gui.PrintPanel.PrintSequenceTableModel
modified - Variable in class mavis.Project
true if the project has been modified, otherwise false.
MOMENT - Static variable in class mavis.MeasurementValue
Calculates the length of the vector from the component averages.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
When mouse is dragged across the surface, while button is pressed, will update X- and Y-values and repaint the plot to basically draw a rectangle between start- and current mouse position.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
When mouse-button (inner) is clicked, will update X- and Y-values.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class mavis.gui.ZijderveldPlot
When mouse-button has been released, will determinate which steps belong in the chosen area.

$ A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z