Linux Fundamentals

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
No lectures. Students are led through a series of programming sessions aimed to familiarize shell scripting and the most common utility programs. The course is aimed for students who are previously unfamiliar with or who need a refresher of the shell environment. The goal is to learn basic and advanced scripting skills and understand the program design philosophy of Linux and other UN*X-like operating systems. Prerequisites: Programming in C. No separate exams.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2012 syksy 29.10-07.12. 2-2 Englanti Mikko Leino


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 12-14 D122 Mikko Leino 29.10.2012-29.10.2012

Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 9.10. klo 9.00. Kaikki ilmoittautuvat jonotusryhmään! Kurssin osanottajamäärä on rajoitettu 40 opiskelijaan.


NOTE. The course is not about fundamentals of Linux. Whatever that would be, digging into kernel and compiling drivers.

The course is about serious BASH scripting and using the traditional GNU command line tools (such as cat cut tr grep find etc).

In this sense, the course name can be explained as follows. It's "UNIX fundamentals", but UNIX is registered trademark and whatnot, so we were scared to use that name. UNIX has a philosophy: "small programs that can be strung together through a command line interpreter using pipes". That can is one fundamental of UNIX, and that's what we will be doing: combining the small programs into greatness. In this process, BASH is just a tool we choose to use.

So if you think you're entering a course about Linux administration, you're not. There's another course for that.

Thank you & welcome!

Kurssin suorittaminen

The course is limited to 40 participants. Currently (Friday 26.10) there's 74 registered. If the text above discouraged you, feel free to unregister. If you have not completed the course C Programming (preliminary for this course), you're moved to the end of queue.


Is on Mondays 10–16 1117 @ BK107. That's where you show your done exercises to PAJA instructor & ask questions about hard stuff.

On first week there's PAJA after the starting session (at 12) until 16.


Exercises are at a separate wiki space.