Elo Data Science Hackathon

Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2016 syksy 27.10-28.10. 1-1 Englanti Arto Hellas

Information for international students

Elo Data Science Hackathon is a team-based challenge where teams get to work on data in order to find interesting insights from the data. The data can be either from the team or from some publicly available location. Read more about the challenge at https://sites.tieto.com/micro-sites/elohack/elo-challenge/

If you want credits for the participation, write a short summary (5-10 sentences) about the project that you worked on during the hackathon, the project outcomes, as well as your contribution, and send it to avihavai@cs.helsinki.fi. Naturally, you should include your name and your student number to the submission -- each team member should send their own mail.

Signing up to the challenge is done through the registration form at https://sites.tieto.com/micro-sites/elohack/Registration/ -- note that you must register by 4th of October.