Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis

Algoritmit ja koneoppiminen
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The course gives a comprehensive introduction to the problems of pattern analysis and the kernel methods approach to their solution. Kernel methods rely on the implementation of linear pattern functions in high dimensional feature spaces defined implicitly via a kernel function. The course will cover the statistical implications, algorithmic solutions and kernel design strategies that make this approach a modular and flexible way to tackle real-world tasks.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2004 syksy 18.10-22.10. Suomi


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 9-15 CK107 John Shawe-Taylor 18.10.2004-22.10.2004
Ti 9-15 CK107 John Shawe-Taylor 18.10.2004-22.10.2004
Ke 9-15 CK107 John Shawe-Taylor 18.10.2004-22.10.2004
To 9-15 CK107 John Shawe-Taylor 18.10.2004-22.10.2004

The number of participants is restricted. Please enroll for the course

only, if you feel that you have solid background and can participate

to lectures and group sessions every day. Acc/rej on 14th of October.