Computational Neuroscience

Syventävät opinnot
The topic of this course is mathematical modeling and simulation of information processing taking place in the brain. Contents: 1. Introduction to brain physiology 2. Modeling response properties of individual neurons 3. Example: early visual system. 4. Network models. 5. Plasticity and learning. Obligatory project work (possibly on period III). Prerequisites: programming skills, calculus, probability calculus, linear algebra. Course exam Thu 14th December from 16.00 to 19.00.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2004 syksy 14.09-01.11. Suomi


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ti 14-16 C222 Patrik Hoyer 14.09.2004-22.10.2004
Pe 10-12 C222 Patrik Hoyer 14.09.2004-22.10.2004
To 10-12 C222 Patrik Hoyer 16.09.2004-16.09.2004
Pe 10-12 B119 Patrik Hoyer 19.11.2004-19.11.2004

Perjantain 17.9. luento siirtyy torstaille 16.9. klo 10-12!