Overlay and P2P Networks

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
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Overlay networks and peer-to-peer technologies have become key components for building large scale distributed systems. This course will introduce overlay networks and peer-to-peer systems, discuss their general properties, and applications. The course will cover the following topics: Overlay and p2p algorithms and systems, currently deployed systems, resource location, data delivery, reliability and performance issues, and legal and privacy issues.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2010 syksy 20.09-13.10. 1-1 Englanti


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 12-14 D122 Sasu Tarkoma 20.09.2010-13.10.2010
Ti 10-12 C222 Sasu Tarkoma 21.09.2010-21.09.2010
Ke 12-14 D122 Sasu Tarkoma 29.09.2010-13.10.2010


Group: 1
Aika Huone Ohjaaja Päivämäärä Huomioitavaa
To 12-14 D122 Sasu Tarkoma 27.09.2010—15.10.2010


Overlay networks and peer-to-peer technologies have become key components for building large scale distributed systems. This course will introduce overlay networks and peer-to-peer systems, discuss their general properties, and applications. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Currently deployed peer-to-peer systems and how they work
  • Distributed Hash Tables as a base for structured peer-to-peer systems
  • Peer-to-peer storage systems and their performance evaluation
  • Performance issues, legal aspects, and privacy issues
  • Peer-to-peer content distribution algorithms

Kurssin suorittaminen

Course grading will be based on the final exam and the assignments.  The exam will be held on 20.10. 16-19 in A111.

20.10.10 Exam results are available in the Intranet.

26.11.10 Exam results are available in the Intranet.

1.2.11 Exam results are available in the Intranet.

15.4.11 Exam results are available in the Intranet.

21.6.11 Exam results are available in the Intranet. 

First assignment is available.  

Exercise 1 example solutions and table of received answers.

Second assignment is available.

Exercise 2 example solutions and table of received answers.

Third and final assignment is available.

Exercise 3 example solutions and table of received answers.

Return File name format:
 *  overlay-ex<number> - albert author, mia member, william writer.<suffix>

     +  For multiple files, make a folder called overlay-ex<number> - albert
        author, mia member, william writer and
        package it in a zip called overlay-ex<number> - albert author, mia
        member, william writer.zip

     +  please also call the main document according to this format even if

 *  Examples:

     +  single file: overlay-ex3 - eemil lagerspetz.pdf

     +  Multiple files:
        overlay-ex2 - eemil lagerspetz, sasu tarkoma.zip

         o  overlay-ex2 - eemil lagerspetz, sasu tarkoma

             o  overlay-ex2 - eemil lagerspetz, sasu tarkoma.odt

             o  figure1.svg

             o  figure2.png

Any questions about returning the exercises can be addressed to


Kirjallisuus ja materiaali

Lectures (tentative content)

Lectures are based on the following book:
S. Tarkoma. Overlay Networks: Toward Information Networking. 260 pages. CRC Press / Auerbach, February 2010.