Service Ecosystems

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The current trend of globalization of business and increased demand for electronic business networks sets high demands for the computing platforms and business applications used in enterprises. The platforms are expected to provide support for business network establishment, participation into multiple networks simultaneously, and adaptation to heterogeneous technologies. During the course, the participants will actively gather information about the collaboration challenges and problems in an open networked environment. As potential solutions, modern ecosystem infrastructure service, business process management, and virtual organisation architectures are studied.


11.12.2012 09.00 B123
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2012 syksy 30.10-07.12. 2-2 Englanti Lea Kutvonen


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ti 12-14 C222 Lea Kutvonen 30.10.2012-07.12.2012
Pe 10-12 C222 Lea Kutvonen 30.10.2012-07.12.2012


Group: 1
Aika Huone Ohjaaja Päivämäärä Huomioitavaa
Pe 12-14 C222 Lea Kutvonen 05.11.2012—07.12.2012

Registration for this course starts on Tuesday 9th of October at 9.00.

Information for international students



Course grading has been completed.  

  • All those who sent in their home exams did  actually pass -- if you did send responded and have been failed, do let me know so I  try again to digup your email.
  • The exam responses showed that allmost everyone had greatly improved in providing an analytic response to a topic; this is one of the important learning techniques that you need to gain during your studies.
  • The challenges or mistakes in responses were focused in few categories:
    • too little analysis (where only a small amount of exercises were done, there were lesser amount of analysis in the responses);
    • confusion between metainformation and infrastructure functions (metainformation repositories store information/data, while operations like population, monitoring, reputation reporting are functions);
    • not understanding the concept of strategic network;
    • not noticing that UDDI drawbacks were actually listed (and twice discussed at lectures) when discussing the Pilarcos populator benefits;
    • reading extra material on reflection where applying of the simle concept explained in the provided paper would have been sufficient; listing the points of using the metainformation and needing to change the metainformation to make the collaborations to behave differently were the key of the question.

For the course feedback form there is far too few responses, so please spend a couple of minutes on that!

  • So far the responses show that students on this level do not really know how much work a cu means: the standard is 27 hours / 1 cu. 
  • The learning strategies that were pushed include discussion as a tool for improving analysis skills, maturity model questions and axis for creating a topic specific mind-map for the analysis, and skills on reading scientific papers (noticing their research questions, research methods and results, and the steps of evaluation taken to show how the results are worth). Interestingly, there were indications that the home exam created reactions on following the provided leads on extra material even where not expected, as some of the papers had list of references in the end with additional papers included. 
  • The facts that all those who submitted the home exam report were passed, and that not all of those who had invested quite a lot of time for participating the exercises and lectures, even volunteering to extras, did not submit, shows that the self-criticue became a hinder of passing the course . 

Home exam instructions available on Tue 11.12 2012 at 9.30 onwards on the exam page. Submission of answers by email by Saturday 15.12 midnight.

Materials to be found from this page onwards.

Student presentation topic list: 

(To avoid confusion: Besides the student presentations, normal material is progressed at the lectures & exercises. Presentations take 10 mins (i.e. contain only 3-5 slides), and will be discussed afterwards for binding to the rest of the course material.)

  • 13.11:
    • BPML (Mohsen)
  • Tue 20.11 
    • Web Services interface definition language and example (WSDL) and rough explanation of UDDI as a repository of service interface description repository (Mariia)
    • SLA and nonfunctional properties ( Zinat)
  • Fri 23.11.
    • ESB example(Ville)
    • ECOLEAD trust management (Akieremu)
  • Fri 30.11
    • multiagent system interactions (Michael)
    • PIlarcos trust management (Juha V.)

Presenters: please send your slides beforehand, also/at least in pdf format, so we can upload them to be available before your presentation. Remember to include a title slide giving your title and name, too.