Service-Oriented Software Engineering

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Service-oriented software engineering (SOSE) is a software engineering approach which utilises constructs and concepts conforming with the service-oriented computing paradigm for designing, modelling and developing service based systems. The course introduces principles behind service-oriented software engineering, and approaches and methods for efficient service production in service ecosystems. The emphasis of the course is on service design, composition and modelling principles instead of specific implementation technologies.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2012 kevät 17.01-22.02. 3-3 Englanti Lea Kutvonen


Information for international students



Unfortunately, we have to cancel this course due to a too small group size. Because of a computing system error the registration system entry was not opened and this was detected too late - many students had already made the conclusion that the course was cancelled and made other plans. We are looking into options of trying again as a short course in the end of May, during the summer, or autumn term 2012. If you are interested of taking this course, please contact Lea Kutvonen.


UPDATE: A separate exam is available in August 2012 with sligthly different focus, and based on a textbook for better independent learning opportunities. The exam will be worth 2 cu and does not involve the experimental parts of this course. This is an once-only solution, to fill the gap while waiting for the course that has been rescheduled to spring 2013. Please view the "August 2012 exam" tab for further details and instructions on preparation; as said, the course material differs from the material otherwise described on this page. Please contact Lea Kutvonen if you need further clarifications.





Service-oriented software engineering (SOSE) is a software engineering approach which utilises constructs and concepts conforming with the service-oriented computing paradigm for designing, modelling and developing service based systems. The course introduces principles behind service-oriented software engineering, and approaches and methods for efficient service production in service ecosystems. The emphasis of the course is on service design, composition and modelling principles instead of specific implementation technologies.

This course studies methodologies and tools for producing software to support services for global service ecosystems. It is directed towards the MSc and doctoral studies. It is recommended for the students interested in topic areas at

  • Collaborative and Interoperable Computing within the Distributed systems and data communication subprogramme, and
  • Service-oriented software engineering with in the Software systems subprogramme.

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The prerequisites for this course are as follows:

  • Batchelor degree
  • Passing the lecture part of the course Software architectures (or, if you do not manage Finnish, appropriate background that is negotiated with Lea Kutvonen)
  • Preferrably also some understanding and experience on distributed systems, such as passing one or more of the courses of Distributed systems or Collaboration of Autonomous Business Services.

Taking the course

Thematically the course comprises

  • foundations of the service oriented systems;
  • identification and characterisatio of the service oriented software engineering processes;
  • framework services for the service oriented software engineering; and
  • model driven software engineering in service engineering processes.

The learning objectives of this course can be found at the learning objectives table (renewed version will be linked here asap).

The learning methods on the course are twofold. Firstly, founding concepts of the methodologies and ecosystem behaviour are discussed at lectures. Secondly, a running group project provides an example case study for utilising elements of the methodologies in practice, thus providing concrete experience on the topic area. 

The course comprises of

  • Pre-examination (which you need to pass to be accepted to participate the course)
  • Lectures (that include discussion sessions on supporting litterature)
  • Group project (compulsory; joint meetings take place at exercise times)
  • Concluding exam (compulsory)

For each part, please refer to the tabs shown above (in alfabetic order).