Warehouse-Scale Computing

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
The aim for this course is to familiarize students on how to build distributed systems that span not only two or sixteen computers, but hundreds or even thousands of physical servers.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2015 kevät 09.03-01.05. 4-4 Englanti Jussi Kangasharju

Kaikki ilmoittautuvat jonotusryhmään!

Use the group queue for registration!


The course in Spring/Summer 2015 will be a self-study course. In the course you are given a set of exercises to complete and you are expected to complete them on your own. There are no deadlines for the individual tasks; all that is required is that you complete all of them by end of August 2015 and submit your written report.


Hardware and Support

You should provide your own hardware, i.e., a computer, to complete the exercises. A single, reasonably modern computer should easily be sufficient for completing all the tasks. All the tasks are done in a virtual machine so the actual platform is not important.
There are no fixed meetings and you are responsible for finding all the information yourself and figuring your way out of problems. If you run into insurmountable problems, please document them in your report.


The tasks are the same as in Spring 2014, with the following exceptions. Only tasks 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Containers, Compiling, Configuration, and Checking) are required, but task 3 (Interlude) is highly recommended. You need to do the equivalent of task 1 on whatever hardware you use, but the details depend on your platform. Task 7 is optional.
* Task descriptions, MAKE SURE YOU FOCUS ON THE RIGHT TASKS THIS YEAR! (The others are left there for further information and help)
* Full course description (with pointers to other sources of information)
Note that the descriptions refer to the course as it took place in Spring 2014. You can use more recent versions of any software that is mentioned in the descriptions if you wish.


You need to turn in a report containing all the answers and descriptions mentioned in the tasks. There is no need to create a wiki-space; a written report in PDF emailed to Jussi.Kangasharju@helsinki.fi is sufficient. Deadline for submitting the report is August 31, 2015, but you can submit the report at any point when you have completed the tasks. Reports will be graded as soon as they are submitted.