Seminar: Content-centric Distributed Systems

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Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2012 kevät 16.01-27.04. 3-4 Englanti Sasu Tarkoma



"Network use has evolved to be dominated by content distribution and
retrieval, while networking technology still speaks only of
connections between hosts. Accessing content and services requires
mapping from the what that users care about to the network’s where.
"--Van Jacobson

This seminar introduces content centric distributed systems, where
rely on content addressing instead of host addressing, thus decoupling
network locations from applications. This seminar covers various
aspects in content centric distributed systems ranging from
content-centric networking, content-based routing to data-flow
programming. The seminar will focus on reviewing both classic and most
recent research articles on content centric distributed systems. On
completion of this seminar, you should:

   * Understand basic concepts of content centric systems
   * Well understanding of building content centric  systems
   * Familiar with literature solutions of content centric systems
   * Clear picture of future trend of content centric  systems