Participating units

Hecse constituted an intensive, geographically concentrated network of computer science and engineering researcher training. The participating units formed the strongest Finnish academic research cluster in the field, with substantial co-operation with the wide industrial base in the region.


Management group -2011

Steering group 2012-2015

The management/steering group worked with the director in planning and execution of annual action plans and budgets. This included coordination of work across the thematic areas of Hecse, as well as organization of actions concerning the whole school. The management/steering group coordinated the student application review process and prepared a proposal for student admissions to the board, and organized Hecse summer schools.


Hecse Board Members were Supervisors that do not belong to the decision making boady of another doctoral programme.

A new supervisor could join Hecse automatically if the Board accepted the application of the student. The supervisor could then later ask the board to become a full-fledged board member, and if the student was showing good progress, the supervisor's profile fitted in well with Hecse and there was no conflict of interest with another doctoral programme, the request was accepted.

The Board was the decision making body in the doctoral programme and decided, among other things, on student admission and on accepting new members to the Board.
