Introduction to Databases (581328-9), Spring 2004


Course exam

There will be one course exam on
Thursday 4th of March 2004 at 16-20, in Class I at the University main building, Fabianinkatu
If you have registered for the course, you need not register for the exam.

Renewal exam

If you did not pass the course exam and you have obtained credits from exercises, you may take the renewal exam. There is one renewal exam (excercise points apply) on Friday the 16th of April at 14-18 in the Auditorium at Teollisuuskatu. You must register for this exam. In the registration system the renewal exam appears as a separate exam. You shold indicate in your answer paper, if you want it to be evaluated as a renewal exam.

Examples of previous exams

© Harri LaineUpdated: 11.3.2004, email: