Vuosikertomus 2010

Vuosikertomus 2010

Algorithmic Data Analysis Centre-of-Excellence (Algodan)

The research of the Algodan CoE lies in the algorithmic and modeling problems of combinatorial pattern matching, data mining, and machine learning. The work in Algodan is strongly interdisciplinary: we cooperate constantly with application experts in various application areas, formulating novel computational concepts and ways of attacking the scientific and industrial problems of the application areas. Developing new concepts and algorithms is an iterative process consisting of interacting extensively with the application experts, formulating computational concepts, analyzing the properties of the concepts, designing algorithms and analyzing their performance, implementing and experimenting with the algorithms, and applying the results in practice. The main application areas of the Algodan CoE are in biology, medicine, telecommunications, environmental studies, linguistics, and neuroscience.

Algodan-huippuyksikkö tutkii data-analyysin algoritmisia ongelmia. Sen vahvuusalueet ovat kombinatorinen hahmontunnistus ja merkkijonoalgoritmit sekä koneoppiminen ja tiedon louhinta. Yksikön toiminta-ajatuksessa korostuu teorian kehittelyn ja tuoreiden käytännön sovellusten vuorovaikutus. Tavoitteena on löytää uusia laskentaongelmia, joiden käsitteellisen perustan rakentamisella ja ratkaisualgoritmeilla on laajempaa käyttöä. Tärkeimmät sovellusalueet ovat biologia, lääketiede, tietoliikenne, ympäristötiede ja neurotiede.

Contact person: Professor Esko Ukkonen, Professor Heikki Mannila
Home page:

Research groups in Algodan:

  • Combinatorial Pattern Matching
  • Computational Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Computer-Assisted Music Analysis, Comparison and Retrieval
  • Data Mining: Theory and Applications (also at Aalto University)
  • Discovery Group
  • Doremi
  • Machine Learning
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Succinct Data Structures